I want to be Linda Rodin when I grow up. She may be the chicest person on the planet, and the same goes for her beautifully designed line of luxury oils (that's olio lusso in Italian) for hair, face, and body. Composed of floral and botanical essential oils like jasmine, juniper, and neroli, the ingredients sound like aromatic Italian cocktail tinctures (and not a laundry list of chemicals). I love the brand ethos too — a less-is-more attitude that rejects complicated regimens and finds beauty in simplicity, right down to the artfully minimal packaging.

Rodin is an all-around inspiration — in addition to her covetable personal style, skincare line, and veteran status as an NYC stylist, she has an awesomely eclectic apartment.
The phrase 'aging gracefully' makes it sound like you have something to apologize for as you become older. So forget 'aging gracefully,' I just want to be as rad as Linda Rodin when I'm older!
[Top three photos from Advanced Style, bottom photo from Pinterest.]